Blog Post 8- Introduction

They don't numb your [buttocks] with anything, it was the craziest pain ever. I felt like I was gonna pass out. I felt a little dizzy. And it leaks for, like, five days."(Caity Weaver, GQ Magazine). This quote was stated by one of the most popular female entertainers, Cardi. B. In this interview the Gold and Platinum selling rapper recounts the dark, mysterious moment she allowed a stranger to inject into her buttocks an illegal substance used for making that part of the body bigger

Purje, Lauren. “Status.” End of the Line (Drawings and Things), Gale Learning , Dec. 2015, 

This behavior is not unusual in the Entertainment industry it is deemed necessary in order to sell and make millions. It is slowly becoming an important procedure for many young women and also adults whom are bombarded with constant images of what beauty should look like, it is learned through different mediums of media, specifically social media. Countless of studies examined how young women aspire to have the body image of models and entertainers seen on Social Media websites, that they would intentionally go to the extreme to ensure that their body fits societal standards.

 This is just one of the many ways social media has warped the minds of young women. In addition to the physical nature of the bodies being attacked the psychological and emotional aspects are slowly being diminished and more lives are being lost due to social media. Debra Katzman and Anne Morris concluded that in Cheung L. etc. study on pediatrics the  average adolescents who are actively on social media outlets are “twice as likely to have dieted and three times as likely to have initiated an exercise program to lose weight” as oppose to those that do not contain social media accounts.

 Social Media has negatively impacted the lives of many young women in plethora of ways, physically, psychologically and also socially. There has been an increased amount of cases dealing with suicidal attempts to eating disorders and the constant battle of comparing realistic pictures of ourselves to the photo-shopped version of others. Social media has given society the


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