College Is A Waste of Time

Pillar 1: Thesis Statement

Located:Paragraph 3                                                                       
"College fails to empower us with the skills necessary to become productive members of today's society.
The author uses the Appeal of Pathos, which works great in the opening because it is charged with emotion/passion and attracts the emotional aspect of the audience who will read the essay. At any given point there is a college student that may feel this way and this is a perfect way to grab their attention.
Image result for college student sad
Pillar 2: Evidence
Located: Paragraph 2-6
Paragraph 2-3:"Our creativity, innovation, and curiosity are schooled out of us. We think of college as a stepping-stone ...College fails to empower us..."
Paragraph 4-"College is expensive.The College Board Policy Center found that the cost of public university tuition is about 3.6 times higher today."
"Sociology professors Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa say that 36 percent of college graduates showed no improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning, or writing after four years of college."
The author appeals to the audience by using the Appeal to Pathos, using words such as we,us, our shows inclusiveness which reassures the audience that they are not the only ones feeling this way.
The use of Logos and Ethos were also used as they cited sources from an expert (sociology professors while also showing statistical data.
Pillar 3: Refutation of the Opposing Argument
Located:Paragraph 8-9
"A major function of college is to signal to potential employers that one is qualified to work. The Internet is replacing this signaling function. Employers are recruiting on LinkedIn, Facebook. People are hiring on Twitter, selling their skills on Google, and creating personal portfolios to showcase their talent."
The author uses the appeal of Logos/Pathos which appeals to the modem of society where you can do anything on social media and it will be validated.
Pillar 4: Concluding Statement
Located: Paragraph :9-10
"We who take our education outside and beyond the classroom understand how actions build a better world. We will change the world regardless of the letters after our names.
 I challenge my peers to consider the opportunity cost of going to class.
The author also used examples of people who became rich and did not attain a college degree such as Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of Facebook, therefore using the Appeal of Logos/Pathos were both used.


  1. The writer uses professional manner when primarily identifying the thesis, along with an appropriate tone for the purpose stated. The thesis statement that the writer writer identifies is not only debatable, has clarity, but also introduces with appropriate tone, regardless of the minimal source of evidence provided to support it. The writer's argument is well-organized and easy to recognize. Generally, the writer voluntarily expresses that the author uses the Pathos persuasive method to establish her position in the argument. She also connects herself with the topic of discussion by providing common social media examples. Lastly the writer maintains the idea of documenting sources in an orderly manner.

  2. She also connects herself with the topic of discussion by providing common social media examples. The writer uses majority Pathos appeal in order to display a more common ground for feelings and emotion. Although I think that the appeal is more logos appeal, providing a strong statistical data position in the argument. In contrary, I totally agree with the writer's position in the topic.

  3. Great Job! Always keeping it real :)

  4. I do not necessarily agree with the author's position because although his opinion is somewhat justified through use of expertise, data results and great examples of those that has done great without going to college, the article still did not persuade me as a current college student. I would have preferred to read more about data results and maybe some more examples of people who did not drop out of Ivy League colleges.I respect the author's position but unfortunately it was not sufficient in getting its point across. Just because he dropped out of school does not necessarily mean that I should drop out of school pretty much I am trying to say that everyone's experience with attending college is different, and I intend on making it priority to succeed in life.


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